Ghaith al-Qulub, the remembrance of God كتاب غيث القلوب مترجم
Ghaith al-Qulub, the remembrance of God Almighty to Azhari Muhammad
Praise be to God, the Most High, who is worthy of praise, endowed with blessings and bounties, and peace and blessings be upon the Master of the Chosen Ones.
And after..
The remembrance of God Almighty is the best of what the believer is preoccupied with, and these pauses with this great good; You stand through it in honor of the remembrance and its great status, and then ask yourself.. Are you one of those who remember God Almighty?
My brother, meditate on these headings, meditate on the one who is keen on goodness. To be one of those who remember God Almighty a lot.
Dhikr is the most precious commodity
My Muslim brother:
The remembrance of Allah, the Most High, is the most precious thing that a Muslim has saved.. and the best thing that the believers are keen on gaining.. is the profitable commodity and the great profit!
Its owner is the richest winner and the greatest winner..
God said:} Recite what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, prayer forbids indecency and evil, and the remembrance of God is greater, and God knows.{[Al-Ankabut: 45].
} And the remembrance of God is greater{
Mujahid said: “The remembrance of God His servant is greater than the remembrance of the servant of his Lord, in prayer and otherwise!”
Dhikr is a spoil that is easy to seize, and a treasure that is close to reach. Are you one of those who win it?! Or are you one of those who are unaware of it?!
The Messenger of Allahr: «Because I say Glory be to God and praise be to God and there is no god but God and God is greater is dearer to me than what the sun has risen upon»( [1] ) .
And Abdullah bin Masoud, may God be pleased with him, used to say: “Because I glorify God Almighty, praises that are dearer to me than that I spend their number of dinars in the way of God Almighty!”
Obaid bin Omair said: “A glorification of praise to God in the record of a believer is better for him than the mountains of the world flowing with him in gold.”
My Muslim brother:
Where are you from this great good?! Remembrance of God Almighty, the goods of the successful, the trade of the winners, and the provision of the righteous!
Where are you from the competition in this expensive commodity? Where are you from this precious treasure?!
Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, said: “Those who remember God are gone with all goodness.”
And Yahya bin Moaz, may God have mercy on him, said: “Oh, ignorant, ignorant! If you could hear the squeak of the pens on the Preserved Tablet while writing your name when you mentioned your Lord; I have come to see your lord.
Here are the days pass quickly, and people are leaving towards the afterlife!
And if we saw one of them on a short journey, he would have prepared the supplies and prepared for his journey.
So what did you prepare for the hereafter travel?!
And with what goods will you leave?!
God Almighty mentioned that light commodity.. but it is of high value!
How many uncles are heedless of the value of this goods!
And how hard they labored in collecting the mortal goods of the world!
And how hard they mounted the mounts in pursuit of the mortal heritage!
And how much they continued their night and day for the sake of cheap goods!
They looked carefully, and blinded their eyes of insight!
What a bargain! And how foolish her people are!
} فِي بُيُوتٍ أَذِنَ اللهُ أَنْ تُرْفَعَ وَيُذْكَرَ فِيهَا اسْمُهُ يُسَبِّحُ لَهُ فِيهَا بِالْغُدُوِّ وَالْآصَالِ * رِجَالٌ لَا تُلْهِيهِمْ تِجَارَةٌ وَلَا بَيْعٌ عَنْ ذِكْرِ اللهِ وَإِقَامِ الصَّلَاةِ وَإِيتَاءِ الزَّكَاةِ يَخَافُونَ يَوْمًا تَتَقَلَّبُ فِيهِ الْقُلُوبُ وَالْأَبْصَارُ{[An-Nur: 36, 37].
Beware of missing out on this merchandise while you are capable of it. If you miss it, then you are one of the stupidest people and the worst deal!
My brother, win this precious profit, and take advantage of this rare treasure, remembering God Almighty, so that you may be among the people of the farmer.
Dhikr is Anis the two who remember
My Muslim brother:
God Almighty mentioned the goal of the righteous and the ultimate hope of the truthful.
If calamities befall them, it is their fortress, and if calamities surround them, it is their cave.
Ibn al-Qayyim said:
“With it they ward off pests, explore calamities, and misfortunes are made easy for them by it. If affliction overshadows them, then there is their refuge in Him, and if calamities descend through Him; To him is their refuge, for it is the gardens of their paradise in which they turn and the capital of their happiness. With which they trade, the sad heart leaves laughing happily, and the memory connects to the mentioned, but rather the memory is mentioned.
These are the attributes of dhikr that the remembrance finds, inhale its aromas, and attain its blessings. The most human being is the one who remembers Allah the Most High.. And which human being is greater than the human being who remembers Allah the Most High?! The remembrance of God Almighty is the comfort of the souls and the sweetness of the hearts, and whoever clings to it clings to a great deed and a great bounty.
On the authority of Abdullah bin Bisr, may God be pleased with him, that a Bedouin said to the Messenger of God:r: The laws of Islam have multiplied for me; Then inform me of something to which I will cling. He said: “Your tongue will remain moist from the remembrance of God Almighty” ( [2] ).
This precious prophetic commandment reveals to you the virtue of remembrance and its sublime status, and it is a fruit that the remembrance wins.
My Muslim brother:
Make the remembrance of God Almighty your companion and companion. If you do that, the remembrance of God will accompany you in your grave tomorrow, as it will accompany you in your life today.
Ibn al-Qayyim said:
“Dhikr is a light for the one who remembers in this world, and a light for him in his grave, and a light for him in the next.} Is he who was dead and We gave him life and made for him a light to walk among people like him in darkness from which he cannot emerge...{» [Al-An'am: 122]..
The first is the believer who is enlightened by faith in God, and his love, knowledge and remembrance of Him, and the other is the heedless of God Almighty, turning away from His remembrance and His love... The pleasure of remembering God Almighty is above all pleasure!
It is a pleasure found by those whose hearts are filled with it, and whose souls are comforted by its adherence to it. Know, my brother, that the pleasure of remembering God if the heart tastes it, it will not be able to part with it, and it will not find a blessing that is softer than it!
Malik bin Dinar said: “Those who are blessed are not blessed with the like of the remembrance of God Almighty!”
Dhul-Nun said: “The world is not good except with his remembrance, and the hereafter is not good except with his forgiveness!”
Al-Hassan Al-Basri said: “Check out the sweetness in three things: in prayer, in remembrance of Allah, and in reading the Qur’an.. If you find it, otherwise, know that the door is closed!”
My Muslim brother:
Make the remembrance of God Almighty your comfort when life weakens you, your fear when its arrows strike you, and your solace when it grieves you. You will not find a better medicine for your heart than the remembrance of God Almighty, and you will not find a happier soul than the remembrance of God Almighty.
The righteous knew this path, so they took it. So their hearts were straightened and their limbs were fixed.
Fath al-Mawsili said: “The lover does not find pleasure with God’s love for this world, and he does not neglect the remembrance of God for the blink of an eye!”
My brother, stick to the remembrance of God Almighty, and you will find intimacy in the heart, comfort in the soul, and happiness in this world and the Hereafter!
How do you remember?
My Muslim brother:
The honor and status of remembrance calls you to be among those who remember God Almighty.. And here is the path of those who remember. May God make you one of her family..
What you should know is that a Muslim should remember God Almighty a lot, and not be negligent in that. So as not to enter into the clique of heedless people.
The first way:
Maintaining the five daily prayers
Preserving the prayers is the beginning of the path of the people of the remembrance, because whoever preserved the five daily prayers with their limits and reverence has obtained a great share of the remembrance of God Almighty. Prayer has included various types of dhikr, with meanings that are not found in other forms of humility, humility, and reverence. Therefore, God the Most High denounced the hypocrites for their lack of dhikr in prayer. He, the Most High, said: } Indeed, the hypocrites are deceiving God, and He is deceiving them, and when they stand up for prayer, they stand up lazily, showing off to people, and they do not remember God except a little.{[Women: 142].
The Messenger of God saidr: «This is the prayer of the hypocrite; He sits watching the sun until it is between the two horns of Satan, he gets up and clicks it four times, God is not mentioned in it except a little.”
Secondly - Preserving the dhikr after the prayers
There are many remembrances in the Sunnah of the Prophet, and each remembrance has its place in which it is said, and among these remembrances are the remembrances of prayer, and some of them are said after the prayer. Many neglect it, so you see one of them rushing to leave, and some leave without bringing it!
A Muslim should take care of it so that he will be one of those who remember Allah Almighty.
Third - a lot of reading the Book of God Almighty
Reciting the Book of God is the crown of remembrance and the epitome of His bounty.r“Whoever reads a letter from the Book of God will have a good deed for it, and a good deed is multiplied tenfold. I do not say “alif” is a letter, but “alif” is a letter, “lam” is a letter, and “meem” is a letter” ([3] ) .
The Messenger of God saidr: “Whoever recites a hundred verses in a night; Qunoot was written for him one night . ” ( [4] )
So make sure that you are among those who scrutinize the Book of their Lord, the Most High, and do not be among those who migrate to Him.rthat the reward of one letter; multiplied to ten good deeds!
While it is easier to be one of the winners who remember God Almighty.
Fourth - Preserving the dhikr
This is a great chapter that brings you into the group of those who remember God Almighty.
It is not difficult to be one of those who memorize the dhikr, you only have to resolve to do it and start applying it in all your affairs.
If you leave your house, you say the remembrance of leaving the house, and if you get into your car, you say the remembrance of riding an animal, and if you enter or leave the toilet, you say what remembrance came about that, and if you want to perform ablution or finished ablution, you say what remembrance came in that, and if I put on a new dress. I said what was mentioned about that.
Thus, in all your affairs, you are keen to preserve the remembrances, and do not waste the opportunity in that; If you do that, you will be among those who remember God Almighty.
Fifth - Preserving the dhikr whose virtues have been mentioned
There is a number of remembrances for which the evidence came.. and the great reward for doing them.
The Messenger of Allahr: «Two words that are light on the tongue, heavy on the scale, and beloved to the Most Merciful: Glory be to God and praise be to Him, Glory be to God the Great» ( [5] ) .
My Muslim brother:
These are some of the signs that you realize on the path of the rememberers, so try to take your share in that, and resolve the resolve of the truthful, and seek the help of your Lord, Blessed and Exalted be He, so ask Him for success and help to follow the path of the rememberers, and to make you among those who remember Him a lot, if you succeed in that, then you are in great goodness!
Dhikr is the relief of hearts!
My Muslim brother:
Just as the earth comes to life when the rain falls, so its vegetation grows and blooms, so hearts live by the remembrance of God Almighty. So the heart will be cleansed and the limbs will be reconciled. Dhikr has a wonderful effect on the hearts, and it is a successful medicine for diseases and diseases of the heart.
Ibn al-Qayyim said:
“There is hardness in the heart that can only be melted by the remembrance of God Almighty, so the servant should heal the hardness of his heart with the remembrance of God Almighty, and Hammad bin Zaid mentioned on the authority of Al-Mualla bin Ziyad that a man said to Al-Hassan: O Abu Saeed, I complain to you of the hardness of the heart! With remembrance”, and this is because the more heedlessness of the heart becomes stronger, the more cruelty it becomes. When God Almighty is mentioned, that hardness melts as lead melts in fire! .. So the hardness of hearts is not melted with the remembrance of God Almighty.
Dhikr is life for the hearts, and without it, its companion would be among the dead!
And the death of hearts is the worst death; If the heart dies, the whole matter of the servant is corrupted!
The Messenger of Allahr: «Like the one who remembers his Lord, and he who does not remember his Lord; Like the living and the dead!” ( [6] ) .
Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: “Dhikr to the heart is like water to fish, so how is the condition of the fish if it separates from the water?!
This is a wonderful example set by Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah for the state of the heart with the remembrance of God Almighty, and the previous hadith supports it.
And let you know, my Muslim brother, that the remembrance of God Almighty is protection from Satan; It is a fortress of the heart from the temptation and temptation of Satan.
Abdullah bin Shaqiq said: “There is no human being except that his heart has two houses. In one of them is the king, and in the other the devil. If God is mentioned, he will be silent, and if God is not mentioned, Satan will put his beak in his heart and whisper to him.”
And God Almighty mentioned a clearing of hearts from their impurities, and it is the soap of hearts that hearts were not washed with a cleanser stronger than it!
Abu Darda’, may God be pleased with him, said: “Everything has an evacuation, and the evacuation of hearts is the remembrance of God Almighty.”
If the heedless had pledged their hearts to the remembrance of God Almighty, they would have been righteous, and their owners would have found the fruits of that!
And do not forget, my Muslim brother, that the remembrance of God is a remedy for the hypocrisy of hearts and a safety from its ailments.
Ka’b bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, said: “He who remembers God the most is innocent of hypocrisy.”
Ibn Al-Qayyim said: “Remembrance of God Almighty is a protection against hypocrisy, for the hypocrites have little remembrance of God, may He be glorified and exalted.} And they do not remember Allah except a little.{.
My Muslim brother:
The concern of many today is the life of their bodies; So you see him working hard and striving to collect his pension, so he strives day and night to collect the morsel, which is life for the body.
But where is this poor man from diligence in obtaining food for the soul?!
Where is he from the remembrance of God Almighty, in whom his real life?!
Few are those who strive to obtain the life of their hearts!
As for the majority, you see them unaware, turning away from the reasons for the life of hearts; So this caused them diseases of the hearts and afflicted them from heedlessness and turning away from the remembrance of Allah, the Most High, and love for the world and length for hope!
So, my brother, commit to remembering God Almighty so that your heart may live; If the remembrance of God is the blessing of rain for your heart and the blessing of a companion, then by His remembrance, the Most High, you are alive, open-hearted, reassured, close to God Almighty.
As for you, without mentioning Him, the Mighty and Majestic, you are dead, narrow-chested, restless, unaware of the secret of your happiness.
Hurry up and hasten to revive your heart and spring your chest, “remembrance of God Almighty”; To be a real living!
The heedless of the remembrance
My Muslim brother:
Heedlessness is an evil disease that has taken hold of the hearts.. So while you see the people of the remembrance enjoying the remembrance of God Almighty and enjoying his monologues, you see the people of heedlessness insignificant in their misguidance and misguidance, for they are in misery with the luster of false happiness!
The people of the remembrance revived their hearts and revived.
And the people of heedlessness died their hearts .. and stumbled!
So if the people of the remembrance became morning, and they moistened their tongues with the remembrance of God Almighty, then they became the people of heedlessness, and they filled their mouths with idle talk and falsehood!
Nasr bin Muhammad al-Samarqandi said: “It is said: People wake up in three categories: a class seeking money, a class seeking sin, and a class seeking the way. He became seeking sin for his right to humiliation and sin, and whoever became seeking the way, God Almighty will give him sustenance and the way!
And those who are heedless of God’s remembrance have lost their share of real life, and lost their share of God’s abundant reward!
The Prophet was likenedrThe case of the unaware is the worst example!
The Messenger of Allahr: “There is no people who stand up from a gathering in which they do not mention God. Except they rose up like a donkey's carcass! And they had a heartbreak” ( [7] ).
My Muslim brother:
This is like hitting the ProphetrFor those who gather for nothing but the remembrance of God Almighty, which is a strong repulsion from the gatherings of negligence, whose people engage in idle talk.
The Prophet saidr: “A people did not sit in a gathering where they did not mention God, and they did not pray for their Prophet. If only they had a time, if he wanted, he would punish them, and if he wanted, he would forgive them”( [8] ) .
The Prophet told usrThis heartbreak obliges its people, even if they enter Paradise!
He saidrHe said: “No people sit in a gathering where they do not pray for the Messenger of GodrExcept that it will be a heartbreak for them, even if they enter Paradise! for what they see of the reward” ( [9] ).
Amr Mawla Ghafrah said: “If the cover is revealed to people on the Day of Resurrection for the reward of their deeds, they will not see a better rewarded deed than the dhikr.
My Muslim brother:
Heedlessness is a dangerous disease and a spreading evil. So beware of its disease, for how many creatures have been destroyed!
And if the heart neglects the remembrance of Allah, the Most High, it loathes acts of worship and strays from the path of righteous deeds!
Ibn al-Qayyim said: “The extent to which the servant is inattentive to the dhikr will be his distance from God.”
He also said: “The inattentive person is between him and God Almighty and loneliness, which does not go away except with remembrance.”
Poor heedless people, how many bounties they have been deprived of, and how many pleasures they have neglected!.. God mentioned the sweetest thing that hearts find pleasure in, and the most beautiful thing that the souls adorn with.. So where are the heedless of these good things?! And where are they from these rare spoils?! The world occupied them from the best demands, and destroyed them with its desires! So meditate on your state, O heedless one, and know that death is coming soon!
Salman Al-Farsi, may God be pleased with him, said: “Three things I liked so much that they made me laugh: the one who hopes for the world and death asks for it! And heedless is not overlooked! And he laughed in fullness, and he did not know whether the Lord of the worlds was angry with him or satisfied!
O you who have neglected the remembrance of God Almighty, know that you will not find a medicine for your heart that is more beneficial than remembrance. So seek to fix your condition by keeping the remembrance of God Almighty and His monologues. To be among those who enjoy the sweetness of the male!
And know that death is behind you, so do not feel safe from its sudden occurrence. So you lose hours, and you are prevented from doing acts of worship.. Do not be deceived by the world with its joy, and do not deceive you with its decoration!
O you who has been deceived by hope |
And without hoping for distress and term |
Do you not see that the world and its adornment? |
Like a house for passengers, there they traveled |
She remains terrified in the magnificence of her inhabitant |
So what is justified by softness or cheerfulness |
A person suffers from what he seeks to inherit |
And the grave is the inheritor of what the man strives for |
From the words of scholars in the remembrance
My Muslim brother:
This is a bunch of the words of the divine scholars, who knew the honor of the remembrance and its lofty position. You will not be of any use to them.
Ibn Masoud, may God be pleased with him, said: “God has divided your morals among you as He divided your livelihoods. So whoever has the money to spend it, and the enemy fears that he will fight him, and the night comes to suffer him; He often says: “There is no god but God, and God is great, glory be to God, and praise be to God.”
Ka’b bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, said: “He who remembers God the most is innocent of hypocrisy.”
Obaid bin Omair, may God have mercy on him, said: “The greatest of you this night is that you struggle with it, and you are stingy with money to spend it, and you are cowardly on behalf of the enemy to fight it, so increase the remembrance of God Almighty.”
Al-Hassan Al-Basri, may God have mercy on him, said: “Check out the sweetness in three things: in prayer, in remembrance of Allah, and in reading the Qur’an. If you find it, otherwise, know that the path is closed!”
Dhul-Nun, may God have mercy on him, said: “The world is not good except with his remembrance, the Hereafter is not good except with his forgiveness, and Paradise is not good without seeing him.”
And Aoun bin Abdullah, may God have mercy on him, said: “The Bekaa is calling to each other: O two neighbors, did someone pass by you today who remembers God? She said: Yes, and she said: No.
Abu Khallad Al-Masri, may God have mercy on him, said: “Whoever enters Islam enters a fortress, and whoever enters the mosque enters two fortresses, and whoever sits in a circle remembers God Almighty in it; He entered his house fortresses ».
And Malik Bin Dinar, may God have mercy on him, said:
And Fateh al-Mawsili, may God have mercy on him, said: “The lover does not find pleasure with God’s love for this world, and he does not neglect the remembrance of God for the blink of an eye!”
And Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may God have mercy on him, said: “There is a paradise in this world, and whoever does not enter it will not enter the paradise of the Hereafter!”
Ibn al-Qayyim, may God have mercy on him, said: “... There is no doubt that the heart rusts just as copper, silver, etc. rusts, and its evacuation with remembrance; They make it so that it leaves it like a white mirror, and if it is left rusty. And the heart rusted with two things: negligence and guilt. His evacuation is by two things: by seeking forgiveness and remembrance.”
He also said: “He who is heedless most of his time; The rust was accumulating on his heart, and it rusted according to his negligence, and if the heart rusted, the images of the information would not be imprinted on it as it is; He sees falsehood in the image of truth, and the truth in the image of falsehood, because when rust accumulates on it, it becomes darker; The image of the facts as they are did not appear in him, and if rust accumulated on him and turned black and ran on his knees; His perception and comprehension are corrupted, so he does not accept the truth and does not deny falsehood, and this is the greatest of the punishments of hearts, and the origin of that is from heedlessness and following desires. They obliterate the light of the heart and blind its sight.”
Allah says:} And do not obey him whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance, and who follows his desires, and whose affair is excessive.{[Al-Kahf: 28].
In this precious speech, Ibn al-Qayyim, may God have mercy on him, informs you of the reality of the disease, which among its results is the deprivation of the remembrance of God Almighty, and the deprivation of the light of the heart! So understand this and do not be unaware of these precious meanings.
He also said: “And the remembrance of a servant to his Lord is surrounded by two remembrances from his Lord to him: Remembrance before him, with which the servant becomes remembrance of Him, and remembrance after him, with which the servant becomes mentioned, as the Most High said:} So remember me, I remind you{[Al-Baqara: 152]».
He also said: «... and it is the spirit of good deeds; If work is devoid of remembrance, it is like a body that has no soul, and God knows best.
Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him, said about the Almighty saying:} Remember Allah often{[Al-Ahzab: 41]. For God Almighty did not set a limit for him to reach, and He did not excuse anyone for leaving it, except that he was overcome by his abandonment. He said:} So remember God standing and sitting and on your sides{[An-Nisa: 103]» Night and day, on land and sea, in travel and urban, wealth and poverty, sickness and health, secret and public, and in any case!
He also said: “It has been proven that the purpose of creation and the command is to be remembered and not forgotten, and to be thanked and not to be disbelieved.
My Muslim brother:
These were luminous words about the remembrance of God Almighty, and although they differed in their wording, they agreed in their meanings, as they all aim to indicate the honor and status of the remembrance of God Almighty.
The virtues of remembrance
My Muslim brother:
The honor of the male is great.. and his grace is sublime!
A virtue that those who remember God Almighty win, and reap its fruits in this world and the Hereafter.. Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim mentioned more than seventy benefits that included the great meanings that are included in the remembrance of God Almighty.
Here are these virtues in brief:
• Expels Satan and suppresses it.
• Pleases God Almighty.
• Removes worry and grief from the heart.
• It brings joy and happiness to the heart.
• strengthens the heart and body.
• Illuminates the face and the heart.
• Brings livelihood.
• Memories are covered with majesty, sweetness and freshness.
• Inherited by the love of God Almighty.
• The slave reaches the rank of benevolence; He worships God as if he sees him.
• He inherits repentance and return to God Almighty.
• closeness to God Almighty; As much as he mentioned to God Almighty; be close to him.
• He inherits the prestige and majesty of God Almighty.
• He inherits the remembrance of God Almighty to him, as the Almighty said:} So remember me, I remind you{[Al-Baqara: 152].
And he said rIn what he narrated from his Lord, the Almighty, the Majestic: “He who remembers Me in himself, I mentioned him in Myself; And whoever remembers me in public; I mentioned him in a better gathering than them.
• It inherits the life of the heart .. Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: “Dhikr is for the heart: like water is for fish, so how is the condition of the fish if it leaves the water?!”.
• It eliminates the loneliness between the servant and his Lord, the Most High; For the heedless is between him and God Almighty and a loneliness that does not go away except with remembrance.
• If the servant gets to know God Almighty by mentioning Him in prosperity, get to know Him in adversity.
Dhikr is an escape from the punishment of God Almighty. Moaz Ibn Jabal, may God be pleased with him, said : What a human being has done is a deed that saves him from the punishment of God than the remembrance of God! They said, O Abu Abd al-Rahman, not even jihad in the way of God?! He said: No, unless he strikes with his sword until it breaks, because God Almighty says in His Book:} And the remembrance of God is greater{[Al-Ankabut: 45].
• A reason for the descending of tranquility, the veil of mercy, and the flocks of angels.
• A reason to distract the tongue from backbiting, gossip, lying, obscenity and falsehood.
The gatherings of dhikr are the gatherings of angels, and the gatherings of idle talk are the gatherings of Satan.
• Preoccupation with it is a reason for God's giving to the one who remembers the best of what He gives to the beggars.
Easier and more timely acts of worship.
• Planting Paradise.
• with crying in seclusion; A reason for God Almighty to shade his servant on the Day of Resurrection from the heat of the sun.
• The remembrance of God Almighty necessitates safety from God Almighty forgetting him, which is the cause of the servant's misery in the life and the hereafter. God Almighty said:} And do not be like those who forgot God, so He made them forget their own selves. Those are the transgressors.{[Al-Hashr: 19].
Dhikr is a light for the one who remembers in this world, a light for him in his grave, and a light for him in the next.
• Dhikr opens the door to entry to God Almighty, so if the door is opened and the remembrance finds his Lord, then he has found everything.
Dhikr alerts the heart of its sleep and negligence.
• The remembrance is close to what is mentioned, and it is mentioned with it, and this association is a special association that is not the association of knowledge and general briefing.
• Dhikr is the head of gratitude, so what thanks to God Almighty is he who does not mention it.
• The most honorable of God's people among the righteous is the one whose tongue is still moist with the remembrance of God Almighty.
• There is a hardness in the heart that can only be dissolved by the remembrance of God Almighty.
• The graces of God Almighty were not summoned and His vengeance paid for by the likeness of God's remembrance.
Dhikr necessitates the prayers of God Almighty and His angels upon the one who remembers.
• Dhikr gatherings are gardens of paradise in this world. God Almighty boasts of His angels who remember.
• Whoever persists in dhikr will enter Paradise while laughing.. Abu Darda’, may God be pleased with him, said: “Those whose tongues are still wet from the remembrance of God Almighty, one of them will enter Paradise while laughing.”
• The remembrance of God Almighty is the greatest help in obedience to God Almighty; He loves it for the servant and makes it easy for him, and makes the apple of his eye in it.
• Remembrance of God Almighty facilitates the difficult and makes the difficult easy.
• The remembrance of God removes fears from the heart.
Dhikr gives great strength; He even does with the male what he does not think he will do without him.
• The memory of pleasure realizes what no one else realizes.
• In multiplying the remembrance of the servant's witnesses on the Day of Resurrection.
Dhikr is protection from Satan and his plot.
Quoted from the book “Nadrat al-Naim” with a simple disposition
My Muslim brother:
These were some of the virtues and benefits that those who remember win; And in that is a clear witness to the virtue and honor of the dhikr, so beware of being among those who waste all of that, lest you be among the losers!
Examples of the lives of the remembrance
My Muslim brother: God has servants who are preoccupied by His remembrance of everything mentioned. They turn around in the gardens of His remembrance, and rejoice in the bliss of His Holiness!
Take advantage of the hours to save the remaining merchandise, and hasten to increase the remaining balance.
This is a bouquet of the lives of these people; It stands by you on the truly happy life, and on those lush gardens!
He was our messengerrThe master of the remembrance and the role model of the afflicted.. The Mother of the Believers, Aisha, may God be pleased with her, describes his condition to us; She says: “It was the ProphetrHe remembers God at all times »( [10] ) .
And on the authority of Al-Mughira bin Shu’bah, may God be pleased with him: “The ProphetrHe prayed until his feet swelled up.” It was said to him: Do you undertake this, when God has forgiven you of your past and future sins?! He said: “Should I not be a grateful slave?” ( [11] )
And this is Muadh bin Jabal, may God be pleased with him, when he was about to die, he said: “I suffocate you, I swear to you that I love you. And crowding scholars with knees at the shaving of the male!
And this is Tamim al-Dari, may God be pleased with him.. Masruq said: A man from the people of Mecca said to me: This is the position of your brother Tamim al-Dari .} Or do those who have committed evil reckon that We will make them like those who believe and do righteous deeds whether their life or their death is evil?{[Al-Jathiyah: 21].
Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, used to glorify twelve thousand praises every day. “I swim as much as my ditty,” he says.
And Qatada, may God have mercy on him, would complete the Qur’an in seven, so if Ramadan came, he would complete it in every three, and if the ten days came, he would complete it every night!
And when death approached Abu Bakr bin Ayash, may God have mercy on him, his sister wept, and he said to her: “What makes you cry? Look at that corner, your brother has sealed eighteen thousand seals in it!
And this is Imam Al-Hujjah Mas’ar bin Kadam, may God have mercy on him, telling his son Muhammad bin Mas’ar, he said: “My father did not sleep until he read half of the Qur’an”!
And this is the imam of Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jama’ah Ahmad ibn Hanbal, may God have mercy on him. His son Abdullah tells of him, he said: “My father used to pray three hundred rak’ahs every day and night. ».
And this is the master of ascetics, Bishr al-Hafi, may God have mercy on him. Ibn al-Madini said about him: “I have not seen anyone more afraid of God than him. He used to pray five hundred rak’ahs every day.”
And this is the imam of those who know al-Junayd, may God have mercy on him. Abu Bakr al-Atwi says about him: I was with al-Junayd when he died; So he sealed the Qur’an, then started from Al-Baqara, recited seventy verses, and then died! May God have mercy on him.
This is Abu Bakr al-Kattani, may God have mercy on him. Al-Dhahabi says about him: “It is said: The seal of al-Kattani at the end is twelve thousand seals! And he was one of the saints.”
And this hafiz Ibn Asaker, may God have mercy on him, says his son Al-Qasim: “My father used to regularly pray in congregation and recite the Qur’an, conclude every Friday, and conclude every day in Ramadan.
Abd al-Aziz bin Abi Dawood, may God have mercy on him, said: A man in the desert had built a mosque and placed seven stones in his heart. When he finished his prayer, he would say: O stones, I testify to you that there is no god but God . In my dream, he commanded me to go to Hell, he said: I saw one of those stones that I know was great, and one of the gates of Hell was closed for me, then I came to the other door, and if one of those stones I knew was great, one of the gates of Hell was closed for me, until it was closed The rest of the stones mean the gates of hell.
Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may God have mercy on him, was a unique model for those who remember.
His student Ibn al-Qayyim said: “I attended Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah once, he prayed the dawn prayer, then he sat remembering God Almighty until close to midday, then he turned to me and said: This is my lunch, and if I don’t eat lunch, my strength falls! Or something close to that.
Ibn al-Qayyim also said: “And he once said to me: I do not leave dhikr except with the intention of calming myself down and resting it. To prepare with that rest for another remembrance, or words of this meaning.”
And he said: «He said to me once: The one who is imprisoned is the one whose heart is imprisoned from his Lord, the Most High! And the captive from his captivity is his whim!
My Muslim brother:
That was a short journey in the gardens of the remembrance, from which you will understand what the righteous predecessors of this nation were of sincerity of worship and seriousness in intention, until they became a fragrance that filled the universes with fragrance and familiarity. He stood at his door to serve, and turned away from the face. May you win nearness and elevation of ranks, for the remembrance of God Almighty is the most valuable commodity that you will win in this world, and the most useful provision that you will offer on the Day of Resurrection! So hasten to the path of those who remember, and expel heedlessness and prolonged hope, and ask God Almighty to help you to remember Him, thank Him, and worship Him well.
Praise be to God Almighty, and may God’s blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions